Monday, February 28, 2011

19 DAYS!

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

I'm gonna guess (though I admit I have not done much research!) that most large denominations have their own branch of disaster assistance that is mobilized during times of crisis around the world.

We Presbyterians have the PDA. They respond to both national and international crises. Right now, on their home page, they have updates on response efforts to the devastating earthquake in Haiti and flooding in Brazil and Pakistan, as well as updates on the recent referendum in the Sudan. They also post "situation reports" concerning the recent events, including (among many others!) the situation in Liberia and on-going progress in the Gulf Coast.

Last year through PDA, Frankfort Church members donated over $300 for the relief effort in Haiti. The session decided to match the donations received and sent another $300 for earthquake relief efforts in Chile. In March, 5 Frankforters will take part in the PDA trip to Nashville, working on relief efforts a little closer to home. 

God's arm has a long reach through PDA and other relief organizations. The prayers of His people come from every corner of the earth, and offers of service and resources flow like a river in times of need. There is always a way to "be the church" to help those in need! 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

20 DAYS!

Westminter PDA on the Web!

Guess what I found?  Westminster's PDA site is on Facebook! You can go there for more information on what's going on even now! (PS Garth Brooks just raised $5 million for flood relief!)

And...I found a blog that another church did of their PDA trip to Nashville! Check it out if you want to see the kinds of things we're getting ourselves into! 

(And here's another one but it's a lot longer than the first one and it doesn't have any pictures.)

And here's an article the local media did about the great things Westminster Church is doing through PDA! 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

21 DAYS!

See our Digs!

Want to see a slideshow of where we'll be staying? Just click here!

Not exactly roughing it, is it?  :0)   There is a plethora of bathrooms at WPC...but not so much with the showers! So team leader Joyce L. has arranged with the local YMCA to set aside time in the AM and PM where we can go over and use their showers! 

How many days can Allison go without a shower?! (Longer than you might think--she did work at a summer camp, you know!) 

Find out the results at the conclusion of the trip! 

Friday, February 25, 2011

22 DAYS!

Do you know the Nashville?

Want to know how to get to Nashville, TN??
OK, so maybe this isn't EXACTLY the route we'll be taking...but I bet it's close!   

I have some friends who have traveled pretty extensively and highly recommend the "Lonely Plant" tour guides. So I began to search for an online version for Nashville...lo, and behold, here it is! (My favorite quote from this web page is: "This ain’t no country club baby, this is Nashville.")

Thursday night of our trip is "Nashville Night" when we quit early and hit the town for dinner and whatever else we can get ourselves into! This should be an adventurous night! (Or will we all retire early because we're so beat?) Guess you'll have to check the blog on Friday the 25th to find out!  

Thursday, February 24, 2011


What We'll Be Doing

You may be wondering, "So, what will you be doing?" I'm so glad you asked!

We'll be working with PDA (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance) and rehab-ing homes that have been affected by flooding. Check out the website for the PDA site at Westminster Church: 

Our team leader, Joyce L. (and her teenage son), visited Westminster Church and the PDA people with whom we'll be working. She was told that we (meaning those outside of Tennessee) didn't hear much about the Nashville flooding because tourism is such a vital part of their local economy. They didn't want to go through what New Orleans is still enduring with rebuilding their local economy. So they didn't want to make a big deal about the flood damage, and worked to rehab a lot of the sources of tourism (like the Grand Ole Oprey) so that visitors would continue to visit. 

Joyce L. also told us that those who have the money to fix their homes have done so. The houses that are left belong to people who are either living upstairs because their downstairs is unlivable or are staying elsewhere until their home can be fixed. 

Some of us (like Larry!) are bringing helpful skills with us; others of us can, um...well...we can paint! But we ALL bring willing and teachable spirits. And we pray that those who are not going along on the trip will bring prayers to God for us and our safety...but mostly that we could "be the church" to those who are hurting and need a little bit of hope. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

24 DAYS!

The Countdown Begins!

Five Frankforters are embarking on a Beaver-Butler Presbytery mission trip (for small churches like us!) to Nashville, TN to help with the clean up efforts from the 2010 floods. 

Allison Bauer, Ann Butler & Larry Zellers, Joyce Wills, and Ruth Zakutney are preparing to make the 10 hour trip (13 hours with stops for eating and *ahem* using the "facilities") to the land of the Grand Ole Oprey!

Last night (Tues, Feb 22), we had an organizational meeting at the Mt. Chestnut Presbyterian Church (Butler, PA) with others on the team. We are, in total, a group of 45 who will be traveling to the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN. (Check out their website here: ) There will be another group of 15 staying there at the same time, which should make things a little interesting... 

At the meeting last night, we went around the room and introduced ourselves by name, by church, and by how many mission trips we've been on. For me (Allison), this is my third mission trip (one as a participant and one as a youth group chaperone.) For Ann, Larry, Joyce, and Ruth, it is their first trip--and they each received a round of applause from the group for being brave enough to embark on their first trip!  (And there are several teens for whom this will be their 3rd, 4th, and even 5th mission trip!) 

I am personally grateful to the Beaver-Butler Presbytery for their grant that made this trip possible. I am also grateful to all the Frankforters are stepping out in faith for their first mission trip! 

I've got lots more info to share (and stories to tell!) but I'll save those for later. Suffice it to say, I think this trip gonna be life-changing!
