In my perusal of the internets today, I stumbled across this ... a local Nashville filmmaker is producing a short documentary called "Nashville Rises," narrated by none other than the one, the only Billy Bob Thornton!
From the movie's website:
Devastation, hopelessness, confusion, misery. These are some of the emotions people go through when affected by a natural disaster. On May 1st and 2nd, 2010, the citizens of Nashville, TN tested these emotions. Also known as the 1000 year flood, this disaster is the worst in Tennessee history, with over 2 billion in damages. Historic landmarks such as the Opry House and the Opryland Hotel were inundated in water.
Even going through the worst natural disaster in TN history, this didn't stop the citizens from rising up. This is the story about the power of the human spirit, and how neighbor helped neighbor to overcome this tragedy.
Here's the trailer for the documentary. (Pretty moving stuff!)
Here's a PSA Billy Bob did on behalf of the Red Cross just after the flooding began.
You can read more about the movie right here and over here. You can even "like" the movie on Facebook here, like I just did!
And here's the official music video for the movie.
Sounds like it's due to be released soon--sometime in March. I think I saw somewhere it will be shown on PBS ... I wonder if we'll be able to see it in PA??
I guess this post is "to be continued ... "